Are you sad all the time? Do you feel broken when you hear sad songs? In this situation, we all need the motivation to overcome these obstacles to come out from the darkness of our life. So, there’s no better alternative than Kevin Gates’s quotes.
Kevin Gates, an American rapper, singer and entrepreneur shared so many valuable quotes on different purposes through his lyrics from his life experiences. He always serves these quotes as a source of inspiration for his fans,helping them to deal with life challenges and develop personal growth.
Kevin Gates quotes always had a different perspective on the significance of life, love, family, friends and music. His quotes always gave priority to the value of support, respect and loyalty to his fans worldwide.
So, get ready to explore Kevin Gates’s quotes to reach your goals.
Kevin Gates Quotes on Life
1. “Anything lost can be found again, except for time wasted.” – Kevin Gates
2. “The best thing that’s ever happened to me is learning that I can depend on myself.” – Kevin Gates
3. “Don’t get mad at me for being the best of what I was created to be.” – Kevin Gates
4. “True wealth is not of the pocket, but of the heart and of the mind.” – Kevin Gates
5. “I never wish life was easier, I just wish I was better prepared.” – Kevin Gates
6. “I don’t look at myself as a role model, I look at myself as a messenger of truth.” – Kevin Gates
7. “A vision without action is merely a dream.” – Kevin Gates
8. “I look at other people’s lives, and some people feel like they’re too old to play with toys. But I still go through the toy section at the store, ’cause there were toys that I wanted when I was little that I couldn’t have. So I still get them.”
9. “Bein’ logical gave me a reason to doubt” – Kevin Gates
10. “Sometimes I feel like being an intellectual. Sometimes I like to just be aggressive and all the way in my feelings. Sometimes I might be emotional, or sometimes I might drag on the track and be lazy. I just like to share the different states of existence of Kevin Gates with the rest of the world.” – Kevin Gates
11. “Everybody’s at war with different things; I’m at war with my own heart sometimes.” – Kevin Gates
12. “I put my flaws on front street. So the world accepted my flaws; therefore, I don’t have any flaws.” – Kevin Gates
13. “Life is about conduct and how we conduct ourselves. But two wrongs never make a right.” – Kevin Gates
14. “I’m an introvert somewhat. There could be a room full of people, I’ll go stand in the corner.” – Kevin Gates
15. “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. I’m just a cold-blooded investigator.” – Kevin Gates
16. “I adapt and I adjust to whatever environment I’m in.” – Kevin Gates
17. “I was born on a full moon. Both my children were born on full moons, too. Some people say that’s scary. It is what it is, man, I don’t be trippin’. I couldn’t tell God when I wanted to be born.” – Kevin Gates
18. “I never go into a situation with any type of expectations.” – Kevin Gates
19. “If you look at the movie ‘Belly,’ I identify with Sincere the most. I am a gangster. I love my lady to death. I’m not in the game for the wrong reasons. I’m not in the game for the glory. I’m in the game to survive so the people that I love could be straight. I’m a highly intelligent individual.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes on Love
20. “I love God, I love everybody else around me as myself, and I love my enemy.” – Kevin Gates
21. “Loves a battlefield it’s not a one night stand.” – Kevin Gates
22. “It’s about really being there for the people that you say you love.” – Kevin Gates
23. “I love to make music, I love to get tattoos…That’s just what I love. If I wasn’t getting paid I’d still do it.” – Kevin Gates
24. “Fall in love fast, make sure I handle it delicate” – Kevin Gates
25. “To be honest I am not lookin to be romantic, already got someone at home” – Kevin Gates
26. “Marriage is the most wonderful thing ever.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes on Success
27. “I don’t sleep much. I’m on the move. My motto is, ‘You can sleep when you’re dead.”– Kevin Gates
28. “I don’t let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.”– Kevin Gates
29. “Why accept failure when success is free?” – Kevin Gates
30. “You can’t make everybody else happy and still stay on top.” – Kevin Gates
31. “But I really live in a box. I’m always locked away in the studio, so I never get to see those people anyway. And if I do see them, I don’t even think—to be honest, I’m so focused right now I couldn’t even see myself encountering those individuals that I spoke about from my past.” – Kevin Gates
32. “I don’t sleep much. I don’t sleep much – I work, I work, I work.”– Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes on Respect & loyalty
33. “If you show me that you’re down for me, I’ll be down for you. Loyalty is everything.”– Kevin Gates
34. “I believe that everyone deserves loyalty, but not everyone is willing to give it.”
35. “Loyalty is not just a word, it’s a way of life.”
36. “When you come up in the slums, having nothin’ make you humble” – Kevin Gates
37. “Whatever an individual chooses to do with themselves, long as it doesn’t affect me and they’re respectful with it, I don’t care what they do. Because I’m not perfect and I have flaws, so who would I be to be judgmental?” – Kevin Gates
38. “I could give a flying flip about doing promo because, no disrespect, nobody put me in the position that I’m in.”– Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes about Family & Friends
39. “I don’t have a circle; I have more of a triangle. I keep three or four good people around me.”– Kevin Gates
40. “Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher.”– Kevin Gates
41. “I used to really love Fiend, but he stopped. He just stopped. Every time he had a project, every project – ‘There’s One In Every Family,’ ‘Street Life’ – I had to have them. And he just stopped. And that was disappointing, ’cause that was my favorite rapper at one time.”– Kevin Gates
42. “I was born in Earl K. Long Hospital. I was born Feb. 5th, 1986. I have a lot of family members. My grandmother had five girls, and all of them had children. It was always a house full. A lot of cousins. A lot of family members.”– Kevin Gates
43. “Family is everything. Your circle might change as you grow, but never forget the people who were there from the start.”– Kevin Gates
44. “I always wanted a family.”– Kevin Gates
45. “I like being with my family. That’s my party.”– Kevin Gates
46. “To inform, to improve, to make better, and I believe that’s what my first daughter did to me, so I named my first album after my first daughter.” – Kevin Gates
47. “I used to live with my grandmother. I used to wonder why the other kids in school went home with their mothers and fathers. I wanted to be the guy that got married. I wanted to be the guy with the children and the white picket fence. I never had that.”– Kevin Gates
48. “I have trust issues with allowing other individuals to know my innermost secrets for fear of how I may be viewed. Everyone has this.”– Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes on Inspiration
49. “I’m inspired by everything that goes on around me. I’m a sponge. I’m very analytical. I notice the things that most people don’t notice.”– Kevin Gates
50. “I look in the mirror, and I see a great man.”– Kevin Gates
51. “The energy in the daytime is so different because everyone is so unhappy and depressed and you can pick up on that energy psycho-kinetically. So I like to come out at night. Everything’s settled, you can see more.” – Kevin Gates
52. “When you stand for something, you’ve got to stand for it all the way, not half way.”– Kevin Gates
53. “Glory be and praise to God. I didn’t do any of this. God did. I don’t have a recipe or a blueprint. I prayed for it, and my prayers are continuing to be answered.”– Kevin Gates
54. “I don’t really like talking. I like to execute. I’m not a talking person. I’m an action person.”– Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Funny Quotes
55. “You can’t make everybody happy; you’re not a pizza.”– Kevin Gates
56. “I know a lot, but there’s some things I don’t know.”– Kevin Gates
57. “I just always wanted to study human behavior because every psychologist that I would talk to would tell me I was bipolar, and I know I’m not bipolar, so I had to perform a psychoanalysis on myself to find out that I have unresolved grief.”– Kevin Gates
58. “My skin is 24 karat gold when a sun hit it.”– Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes on Sadness
59. “We all experience pain, but we must remember that pain is the cost of living.”– Kevin Gates
60. “If you associate yourself with peer pressure or complacency, you’re destined for failure.”– Kevin Gates
61. “I’ve always been an over-thinker. But thinking never did anything for me but get me into trouble.”– Kevin Gates
62. “Everybody round you pretendin that they your partner, let you have a problem they won’t even help you out”– Kevin Gates
63. “If you associate yourself with peer pressure or complacency, you’re destined for failure.”– Kevin Gates
64. “My daily conversation, it consists of hustle. Grinding from the bottom sick and tired of struggle.” – Kevin Gates
65. “I don’t give anyone a reason to hate me, they create their own drama out of pure jealousy. Keep ears opened, mouth closed.” – Kevin Gates
66. “Or help them get to the root of the problem. Or help them find out what the problem is. Because the problem lies with self, and a lot of times we don’t look inward as individuals. We always look for something else as a substitute, as a pacifier. You have to look at self first.” – Kevin Gates
67. “I suffer from deep depression, so my only release is music.”– Kevin Gates
68. “It’s a curse. I ask God to take this away from me all the time. I do not like being an artist.”– Kevin Gates
69. “I have trouble with letting go. That’s my problem.”– Kevin Gates
70. “The more I grow in popularity, the lonelier it gets. Because you don’t really know me. You just know this part of me. You fell in love with that. But it’s way more intricate than what meets the surface.”– Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes on Music
71. “I could care less about the particular. I like to make music.”– Kevin Gates
72. “Biggie Smalls, Jay-Z, Nas, Eminem, Big L, Tupac. That was, like, my top five, generally.”– Kevin Gates
73. “You can learn from a dummy. You can watch a dummy and learn what not to do. I’ve always been an observant individual. You don’t know how much you love something until you can’t do it. That’s one thing I can say that I learned. I learned how much I love music.”– Kevin Gates
74. “In 7th grade, I believe, I wrote my first rap song. It was about everything I was seeing, everything that was going on around me.”– Kevin Gates
75. “My music is incredible. I don’t know what to call it because I’ve yet to see an artist display the different talents I display or create the different genres that I have created; from the rock and roll to heavy metal to soft rock to rap to country. I display so many styles. That’s why they love me.”– Kevin Gates
76. “What I see, what I went through, what a friend of mine may have went through, whatever – I rap about it.”– Kevin Gates
77. “The things that are most difficult for me to put into words and speak about, I put into my music. I’m just super passionate about my craft and super passionate about what I do.”– Kevin Gates
78. “Music’s the most therapeutic thing for me. Because I suffer with depression, and it’s my only form of releasing it. Just as you do with your recorder, I record my thoughts. I vent. It’s a channel. I’m an introvert when it comes to displaying my emotion. And because I’m such an introvert, the best thing for me to do is to talk to the mic.” – Kevin Gates
79.”I always had music growing up, but music was also like a journal. It was like my personal diary or personal journal. A lot of the things I couldn’t express to an individual, I would express them in my music.”– Kevin Gates
80. “I’ve had mixtapes that have been better than albums I’ve heard from other artists. I take my time; I put my heart into it.”– Kevin Gates
81. “The only frustrating thing about jail is that I can’t make music.”– Kevin Gates
82. “Rap was more of a release for me, a journal.”– Kevin Gates
83. “I was doing sold-out shows before I got radio play.”– Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes for Instagram
84. “I’m never on Twitter. I’m never on Instagram. And that’s not by choice: it’s just that those things never really interested me. I might post a picture here and there, but that ain’t really been my focus.”– Kevin Gates
85. “Don’t get mad at me for being the best of what I was created to be.”– Kevin Gates
86. “If you’re not in your own lane, create one.”– Kevin Gates
87. “Never break or fold, that’s what it takes to be major.”– Kevin Gates
88. “You learn fast or you die young.”– Kevin Gates
89. “I never go into a situation with any type of expectations.”– Kevin Gates
90. “When you follow your heart, you always win!”– Kevin Gates
91. “Don’t let nobody know that you a monster. Keep it on the tuck and then surprise ’em.”– Kevin Gates
92. “I live by the ten percent rule. Save one, you save a thousand.”– Kevin Gates
93. “I like where we at now — but I’m in love with where we going.”– Kevin Gates
94. “A vision without action is merely a dream. Action, it’s the grind, it’s the hustle, it’s the persistence.”– Kevin Gates
95. “I adapt and I adjust to whatever environment I’m in.”– Kevin Gates
96. “You could give me a fish and feed more for a day, but if you teach me to fish, you’ve fed me forever.”– Kevin Gates
97. “Sometimes the best move is no move.”– Kevin Gates
98. “When you got wisdom and knowledge you supposed to spread the world with some Soulja love.”– Kevin Gates
99. “You have to be intimate with a person to know that person.”– Kevin Gates
100. “Watch people daily and you will see their true colors.”– Kevin Gates
101. “The struggle is real, but it doesn’t last forever.”– Kevin Gates
102. “Wise men change, fools stay the same.”– Kevin Gates
103. “ Use the things that make you angry — as fuel to make you better.”– Kevin Gates
104. “Came from the bottom, we aim for the stars.”– Kevin Gates