Are you planning a dream wedding but have yet to figure out how to address wedding invitations?
You must understand the titles while addressing the invitees for formal wedding invitations. However, don’t let these worries give you a wrinkled forehead before your special day.
This article is here to guide you so that you can get fewer worries and more time to prepare a warm welcome for your partner in your life.

Remember These Things While Addressing a Wedding Invitation!
When you are preparing a wedding invitation, there is a specific structure that you should follow. What’s that structure? Here is it for you:
The Host Line:
The host line is the top line of the wedding invitation card, where you mention the names of the hosts of this ceremony. Traditionally, one paying for the wedding is the host. Thus, the parents or grandparents of Groom are supposed to be the hosts.
However, if a couple arranges and pays for their wedding, they may not follow the above rule. In that case, they may put their name or the name of their parents as hosts. If Groom’s parents and grandparents are deceased, Groom can mention himself as the host.
Invitation Line:
This line should mean the host heartily invites the guests to the wedding ceremony. While you will see a lot of variations of this line, the most common ones are:
1. Requesting the honor of your presence.
2. Asking for your participation and blessings.
However, there isn’t any formula concerning what to write in the invitation line. So, it’s up to you. It is better to avoid cliche sentences, which may take away the sincerity and joy behind the invitation.
If the invitation card is being sent from the Groom’s side, the Groom’s name should be at the top, followed by his parents’ name. Traditionally, many people also mention their grandparents, too.
Information Line:
This is not the mandatory part of the wedding invitation. If the event you are arranging has some dress code, or you want to give any contact details or similar other information, you can put that in the information line.
Now that you are done with the invitation, it’s time for the address part. Before going to the itty-bitty details of the addressing, let’s keep a few crucial things in mind.
- Write the guest’s full names. If you don’t remember their middle name, skip them. Please don’t assume and write write because it may be wrong. If you are adamant about having their middle name on the card, why not call them and confirm?
- The address part isn’t significant if you drop off the wedding invitation card while paying a visit to the guest yourself. But, still, it is better to get it correct. But, if you send it via post, write it correctly. Make sure to cross-check before sending it off.
- Also, remember to cross-check the names of the guests written on the envelope. Have some extra envelope with you, so you can avoid the mess of correcting things with pen or ink and can replace it with a new one.
- Correctly write the location, date, and time when the event will occur to avoid confusion.
How You Can Address The Wedding Invitation to Different People –
1. A married couple: Address such a family as “Mr. and Mrs.” followed by the full formal name of the male.
2. To Juniors: It is the same as above, but you need to put “Junior” or “Jr.” (for casual) at the end of the name.
3. To a married couple, the Female uses her Maiden surname: Here, the lady’s name comes first. Write her complete name with a “Mrs.” before, followed by her husband’s full name with a “Mr.” address.
4. Unmarried couple Living together: Mention the lady’s name with “Ms.” followed by the partner’s name on the next line, addressed as “Mr.”.
5. Single Man: Use the address “Mr.” with his full formal name.
6. Single Woman: You should use her full formal name with the”Miss” title.
7. Family having children under eighteen: List the names of the children without the surname concerning their seniority, followed by their parents’ names in the next line.
8. Children over eighteen: If they live with their parents, adding their full name with Miss or Mr. address under their parent’s name should be fine. If you wish, you may send them a separate invitation in that case, using the title “Miss” or “Mr.” with their full names. If sent to siblings, mention them in terms of seniority.
9. Friend with Guest: Write your friend’s name first with the proper address and then write the full formal name of the guest in the consecutive line if the guest is known to you. If the guest is unknown, add “and guest” in lowercase beside the full formal name and title.
10. Same-gender Couple: For same-gender couples, write their full names with titles and order alphabetically. If you use a double envelope, you can address them by their title and surname in the inner envelope while the order of names follows the English Alphabetical order.
Address to People Outside Family and Friend Circle:
If some wonderful people have a formal relationship with you, but you consider them as your well-wishers and want to invite them to your wedding, here is a list for you about how to address them –
1. Judge: Use “The Honorable” followed by the full name of their spouse with the appropriate title. Using the phrase “The Honorable” will do if they are single.
2. Medical Doctor: Here, you can use the word “Doctor” instead of their name, followed by their spouse’s name. For married couples who are medical doctors, address them as “Doctors” followed by their last names.
3. Academic Doctor: For Academic Doctors, use the abbreviation “Dr.” followed by their spouse’s name.
4. Clergy: Address the invitation as “The Reverend” and write their spouse’s name in the following line.
5. Priest: Write their full name with the title “Father.”
6. Military Personnel: Address the personnel by the rank followed by their spouse’s name in the following line. If a couple is in military service, write their ranks with their full name. This address is suitable for both retired and active-duty personnel.
Sending invitation letters is a part of wedding etiquette, but its formal nature makes it seem complex. Being a Groom and in charge of sending invitation letters can be hectic if you don’t organize the task. Create a list of the invitees. Sort them out before writing the names.
If you are dropping off the invitations by yourself, cluster them area-wise. It will save you time. Learn how to address the invitees aptly before you start sending them out. This guide will give you insight into the formal address part so that you can stay relaxed while handling this massive task. If you plan to send the invitations over email, you can still use the ways mentioned to address the invitees.