7 Unexpected Places to Host an Extraordinary Birthday Party

Birthday parties are simply fun. Whether you are celebrating someone turning 5 or 50, it is always a fun and exciting affair. This whole process gets ten times more fun if the location of the birthday bash is someplace fun, unique, and exciting.

Celebrating a birthday in someone’s garden, house, or a reserved place is too mainstream. So, let’s spice up our fun of celebrating the most meaningful day of anyone’s life with the help of exciting venues.

So, stop celebrating your birthday with the same old birthday song and cake cutting! Make it memorable, a lifetime moment. It will ensure that none ever forgets your birthday. No matter what.

So, are you ready to be quirky and weird? If your answer is ‘yes,’ why waste more time? Let’s start choosing a unique location for your birthday!

Choose an Exciting Location to Make Birthday Party More Unique:

We mentioned seven such unexpected places in this blog. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s look at those places where no one can think of organizing a birthday party. These places are unique and thus exciting for any attendee of the birthday bash.

1. In a Movie Theatre:

Unexpected Places to Host an Extraordinary Birthday Party
Source: Lorado/iStock

We all watch movies with our friends or families or other special people but imagine booking a whole movie theatre so that you can celebrate your birthday party or throw a surprise birthday party for someone you care about.

You can cut the birthday cake, have a movie marathon, and set out a little place in the corner to have a little dance floor for the party-goers. A movie theatre is where we go on dates or spend time bunking classes, but celebrating a whole birthday party there will be a unique and uncommon thing to do.

2. Amusement Park Birthday Party:

Unexpected Places to Host Birthday Party
Source: Felix Marx/iStock

Who doesn’t like amusement parks? Whether it is a kid or a grown adult, we all enjoy those nerve-wracking rides that sometimes make us pray for our lives. Imagine getting to celebrate a birthday party in such a place. You can go on any ride for free, and courtesy to the party holder, you get to have good food and cake.

Enjoy the entire day with fun, celebration, and free non-stop access to all the amusement park rides. We don’t think it can get any better than this.

See: How to Organize A Decade-Themed Birthday Bash

3. Go Camping:

Camping birthday party
Source: MilanMarkovic/iStock

Often, after celebrating too many birthdays, the whole ordeal gets too bland. The same old cutting the birthday cake, getting birthday wishes and blessings from people, dancing here and there, and doing nothing exciting can make everything feel more like a chore than a celebration.

But imagine what it would feel like sitting around a bonfire in the middle of nowhere, cooking fundamental dishes and nothing fancy, spending the night in tents or under the open sky in the middle of nature.

It won’t be a mainstream birthday party, but it will be exciting when you hear people singing Happy Birthday along with crickets in the middle of the night.

4. A Beachside Birthday Party:

Unexpected Places to Host Birthday Party
Source: EllenSmile/ iStock

Generally, we see people going on a romantic outing to a beach. Couples surprise each other with fancy beach dinners. Imagine waking up on your birthday by getting dunked in salty water, which eventually progresses into a water fight. Imagine seeing a decorated section of the beach with birthday balloons and other decorations.

What? You Never thought it could be a birthday party idea? Or imagine getting invited to a birthday party where you can see the tides lapping at the sand on the beach. Making sand castles, playing beach volleyball, maybe spending the night by only eating a massive three-tier birthday cake.

See More: 15 DIY Birthday Decor Ideas That Will Wow Your Guests

5. An Old Haunted Mansion:

Birthday party in An Old Haunted Mansion
Source: MarynaVoronova/iStock

This might seem like a bad idea, but it is probably the most exciting idea on this list. After all, discussing anything haunted can grab our attention like magnets. We cannot ignore all the warnings that every scary movie has ever given us and throw a party at a haunted mansion. Imagine everyone huddled together wearing birthday caps, having candles around, and sharing scary stories.

Indeed, it’s not your ideal way of spending a birthday. But this idea might be farthest from any conventional idea of throwing a birthday party. But who wants a boring birthday party nowadays anyway? It is all about fun and adventure.

6. On a Random Deserted Bridge:

Source: Halfpoint/iStock

If you like danger, this birthday party venue can be your thing. Get a minivan, put all the people you want to celebrate your birthday in the minivan, take them to the deserted bridge, and throw a party.

Take lots of pictures of you breaking some harmless public rules but still enjoying your birthday in a very adventurous and dangerous way. Who would think of having a birthday party on a deserted bridge?

No one. So, why don’t you be the first one? Do something random like this.

7. In a karaoke Bar:

Birthday In a karaoke Bar
Source: JackF/ iStock

We know of going to karaoke bars when we think of hanging out with friends, enjoying a few hours singing songs, and listening to others trying their best to do the same. Now imagine enjoying your birthday party in a karaoke bar. Singing or maybe even trying to sing your favorite songs, cutting cakes, and dreaming of being America’s next top idol.

Are you already having goosebumps? So, why not celebrate a night out with friends and family and having unadulterated fun in a karaoke bar?

See More: 10 Fun Birthday Party Games That Adults Will Enjoy

Final Thoughts

Generally, we gather our very near and dear ones with whom we want to share our special day. The venue plays an essential, even though the location doesn’t matter more than the people attending the party to throw a party like a pro.

The location should be someplace exciting, yet it should still have this personal touch to it that makes your loved ones realize that it is a special occasion, which you are celebrating with style and uniqueness.

All the places mentioned here have their special vibe. They are all very unique on their own, and they are all somewhere you can enjoy your day to its fullest. So, enjoy your birthday party without any inhibitions. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be safe; safety comes first, safety comes second, and fun comes third. So have fun, but let’s all be safe out there.

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